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Over one-half of the world’s population lives in semi-urban, rural and remote areas. The availability of ubiquitous telecommunications infrastructure and low cost mobile phones are enabling the delivery of critical services to these under- and un-served markets.

Financial Inclusion, Banking & Insurance

Access to financial services, including banking and insurance, has been shown to be an enabler to poverty alleviation, financial empowerment and development. Regularly depositing funds into a bank account not only enables capital appreciation, but also builds a relationship between the customer and the bank that can be useful for receiving loans and other products. Insurance, including health, life, disability and crop insurance, offer an affordable means to protect against unexpected situations.

Education, Training & Skills Development

Education is a key enabler for poverty alleviation and development. Education in the form of public safety announcements, public health advertisements and financial literacy training, offers many benefits, including reducing illnesses as well as associated costs and insurance premiums, and improving overall quality of life. Primary school education (K-12), adult education and targeted skills training using micro-learning techniques can improve opportunities and income streams without requiring a large investment of time.

Agriculture Traceability & Supply Chain Management

Agriculture and farming drive employment in many rural communities, and are important economic and social activities. But, sustainable farming is more than just planting seeds in the ground or raising animals. Technology-based solutions that provide information, including best practices training and pricing, and support transactions, including traceability, farmer payment and other supply chain transactions, can be used to increase agricultural output and improve quality, and also provide increased and sustainable income streams for these rural communities.


Technologies developed by S3G's team have positively impacted populations around the world, including in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Some of S3G's team members' work includes the following:

  • Mobile technology solutions for extending the reach of microfinance institutions and microfinancial services to rural and remote populations in Africa.
  • Crop traceability, farmer payment and agriculture supply chain management systems for agricultural commodities in Latin America.
  • Biometric bank account registration and transaction solution for a number of India's public sector banks.







Awards and Recognition

World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum recognized a S3G team member for his professional accomplishments, commitment to society and potential to contribute to shaping the future of the world.


Bloomberg Innovator

A technology solution designed by a S3G team member was identified as a Bloomberg Innovation, and featured on Bloomberg TV’s “Bloomberg Innovators” program.                   


ICFA ICT Working Group

In recognition of his contributions to innovative technologies for agriculture, a S3G team member was invited to be part of the ICFA's Working Group on Information and Communications Technologies.             

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